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Mother's Day at the Sacramento Antique Faire

 I hope you all had a relaxing and eventful Mother's Day! This will be the second year that my mother and I have gone together to the Sacramento Antique Faire to celebrate our mutual love of the hunt for treasure. And we did find a few treasures! I brought home  a beautiful woven purse ($10), a necklace made of some sort of bone ($5!) and a photograph......

 The seller did not have any information about it other than what was written on the back of the frame. He said he buys storage lockers full of goods and sells them at the Faire. This is the item I am the most curious about. It said on the back that it was a photo of a pair of Indian Burial Trees following the Battle of Little Big Horn. Dated 1886. Photo is by David F. Barry. I was quite taken with the mystery of it. The framing looks pretty new. The photo is on crescent board and the glass on top is wrapped in copper strips, so it cannot be opened without wrecking the copper stripping. If anyone out there has nay information about this photo, I would love to hear about it!

In the meantime, I will find a good perch for it!

Mom found quite a few things as well, including this Elk horn which was about 4 feet long. I almost poked a few eyes out carrying it back to the car! I may have to convince her to keep it around for awhile before to Napa to be sold in her space at the 2nd Street Antique Shop!

And yes, there are always some things that get away from me. So many treasures, not enough cash! This Swiss Army backpack was issued to the troops in WWII. It is made out of cowhide and was in pretty perfect condition It was amazing and if it could talk, I bet it would have some intriguing stories to tell!

The same dealer had a collection of WWII binoculars, which I have become enamoured with lately, as well as a wicker basket/trunk that held carrier pigeons during the war. I almost did get the basket. Priced at $35 I thought it was unique enough to snap up.....but I didn't...

There is a dealer that comes every month with beautiful linen flour bags....

And I loved these wicker wine bottle coverings that were green, red and white. I was told by one another dealer that was selling these that they are made this way for the holiday season....

So much to see, so little time. I rushed through all of the isles so Mom and I could get home for brunch. Tim and my daughter were putting together a bit of a feast for us. When we walked in, we were greeted with flowers.....

And Tim was busy putting together Eggs Benedict with the most luscious Hollandaise I have ever tasted. Pure decadence!

After Brunch, I hopped on over to a girlfriend's home where she treated a group of moms who have been in our book group for over 15 years to an afternoon of champagne, good girl talk, and her famous sticky buns. And best of all, a great excuse to relax and enjoy the day!

Here's to Mothers everywhere who love and nurture and sort of make the world go 'round!