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Things Are Coming Along

We have been trying to get the backyard somewhat livable so we can have people over and not be too embarrassed this Summer. For those of you who have been following along with me while we “home improve”, you will remember what our yard looked like just a couple of months ago. If not, you can click here and here to feel my pain. The pain is starting to grow less severe….but we still have a ways to go.

But here are some progress pictures. Above is our Perennial garden. We have mini eco-systems in our yard: some super shady areas and some super sunny areas. This area is perfect for things like Salvia, Mexican Sage, Lamb’s Ear and the like.


We have been planting a few small fruit trees as well. My husband and I are at odds as to whether they will grow very well on the North side of the house. We will see! They are pretty for now! Lots’ of filling in to do.

Tim also finished the railing and filled in the area under the deck with lattice. The “before” is right here:back of house

It really was just a few months ago things looked like this. Oy! We now have a concrete slab that will have to do for now until we have funds to cover it with blue stone. That is the long term plan anyway. We may stain the concrete until that happens. backyard before

We’ve also been filling in the side yard with various ferns like Maiden’s Hair, Monkey Fern, Japanese Fern and Baby Tears. This area is shady almost all day. We could not find stepping stones in the size we wanted, so Tim created a mold from 2x4’s and we made our own. Kids’ hand prints and all. So much better! Again….it is a start. Things need to fill in and we will be adding Creeping Fig to the fence.Side garden This next picture is a “before”. I look out these French Doors everyday while I work…..so it’s nice to see something out there other than dirt!

Next up…..PAINT! It’ll be awhile I am afraid.basement_railing Have a great weekend…..and go plant something!