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The Marin Designers Showcase 2012 - It Begins

Hello all. I have been absent lately, I know. But I am back with lots to share! As you know, I have been in the midst of installing the room I designed for the Marin Designer Showcase. It is all finished, and zhushed, and photographed. And now....it is time to enjoy!

The Showcase Gala event is tonight, and I am excited to have the chance to meet the other designers and  to clink glasses with vendors who have been so generous in their support of me with my design of Guest Suite I.

One of the other things I have been busy with is taking lots of photos of the Showcase to share with you! But, of course, there is nothing like seeing it in person. After all, my camera cannot catch everything, and the details are often times what inspires someone the most.

The Showcase opens to the public tomorrow, and I will be there as often as I can! Every Thursday night, there are wine tasting events. You can get the full scoop on them HERE. I will be there for those for sure! (The Guest Suite I designed is a hop skip from the wine room....so be sure to stop in and see me!)

So, I will be posting about all of the amazing spaces at the Showcase in the coming weeks. Every Showcase seems to have a distinct flavor, and I have to say this one is a spectacular ode to art and the glorious views. Throughout the house, art is a particular focus. The house acts as a beautiful gallery, as well as a perfect backdrop for amazing design.

Here is but a hint of the art and views I was talking about........

There is so much more to come! 

I hope to see you all here.

For information about the Marin Designers Showcase 2012,
click on over